Christmas Special: Three Kings Day, Mistletoe, The Mystery of the Magi, Parranda Festivals, The Music of OK Ivy, Grandparent Stories, Jokes, Seasonal Songs, Riddles and More


Join us as we get into the holiday spirit with a special Christmas-themed episode! Frankincense sounds intense... what the heck is myrrh? Learn about the three wise men, also known as the Magi, and the gifts they carried across the desert. Pucker up as we unravel the mysteries of mistletoe, and hear all about Three Kings Day, which comes 12 days after Christmas and is believed to be the day the Magi first saw the baby Jesus. Our special correspondent Rio tells us how he celebrates Christmas in Puerto Rico, and we get to enjoy a special holiday song from musician OK Ivy. All that plus Grandparent Stories, jokes, songs, and a real stumper of a riddle.


Giving Thanks: Fun Turkey Facts, Family Time, Makin’ Gravy, a Chef’s Favorite Sound, Big Appetites, Jokes, Three Riddles, Best of Grandparent Stories, Songs, and an Interview with a Real Live Turkey!